Our Executive team and Board Members consists of Industry professionals with long and successful track records in Telecom and wireless IC.
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Executive team

Mr. Pär Bergsten
CEO & Founder
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Pär has 30 years of Telecom industry and wireless IC experience. He holds a MSc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and a MBA from Stockholm School of Economics. He is a serial entrepreneur in the wireless Semiconductor and Telecom market. Pär is a proud owner of a Gyrocopter, which he enjoy flying during his time off.

Mr. Carl-F. Elgh
Vice President Marketing & Business Dev.
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Carl has a 20 years background in Wireless, Telecom and Utility industry from companies such as Ericsson AB, SwedPower AB (Vattenfall, ABB, EON) and Nanoradio AB. From his experience he has gained valuable product expertise covering a broad range of technologies and domain knowledge, encompassing wireless systems and power utility infrastructure. At Ericsson he worked in both USA and South America. Carl holds both a Master degree MBA from Stockholm School of Economics and a BSc from Lund University. He holds an EGA golf hcp of 11,4.

Mr. Per-Olov Östberg
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LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/poostberg/
Mr. Mats Larsson
VP BU Enterprise
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LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/matslarsson-international/
Mr. Conny Karlsson
VP BU Labs
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LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlssonconny/
Mr. Johnny Johansson
VP BU Connectivity
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LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnny-johansson-1835975/
Mr. Åke Jernberger
VP Engineering
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LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/%C3%A5ke-jernberger-8b152210/
Mr. Franco de Lorenzo
Director Product Management
IoT and RTLS Systems and Services
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LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/francodelorenzo/
Mr. Rajesh Patel
VP Strategic Technology & Business Development
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LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajeshpatel4/
Board Members
Håkan Djuphammar, Chairman of the board
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/hakan-djuphammar-2700702/
Hans Söderberg, Board member
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/hans-soderberg-47229214/
Carl Östholm, Board member
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlostholm/
Peter Dahlander, Board member
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-dahlander-340b5015/
Pär Bergsten, Board member and CEO
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/parbergsten/
Advisory Board Members

Mr. Roland Andersson
Roland Andersson, Sales and marketing executive from the semiconductor industry. Roland is a veteran senior executive with more than 30 years of international experience in the semiconductor industry. Roland has been a member of our Board since the start. Roland spent 18 years with National Semiconductorand 4 years at Zarlink. In 1999, he was named Senior Vice President and General Manager at National Semiconductor, Worldwide Marketing and Sales, reporting to the CEO, and was instrumental in driving sales past the US$2 billion level. He also served on the Executive Committee helping to guide the company's direction. In 2001, he joined Zarlink, where he was Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Marketing until he joined Sicon Semiconductor as CEO in August 2005. Mr Andersson was at the Nanoradio AB board of directors between 2004-2009. Roland has lived in Switzerland since 2009 focusing on investments in Switzerland and internationally. Roland is trained as an electronics engineer and also holds certificates in Business Administration from the Institute of Higher Marketing (IHM) in Stockholm, Sweden, AEA and Stanford University USA.

Mr. Hadar Cars
Mr. Cars is an Investment Manager at Industrifonden. He has long experience both in leading operational roles and as investor in high-tech companies. He started his career at Ericsson where he, among others, was General Manager for Network Systems at Ericsson Japan. He has also been CEO of CellPoint Systems AB and co-founder of 3G operator Orange Sweden. For the last 10 years, Mr. Cars has worked as an investor in technology companies. Prior to joining Industrifonden, Mr Cars was a partner at Eqvitec Partners. Mr Cars was at the Nanoradio AB board of directors between 2005 to 2008.

Mr. Jörgen Lantto
Jörgen works as board member and advisor to fast growing technology companies with global focus. Most recently Jörgen worked was President and CEO of Fingerprint Cards AB for almost two years, and prior to that he was CTO of Fingerprint Cards. During Jörgen's leadership Fingerprint Cards established a world-leading position in fingerprint sensors and revenues grew more than 2000% in less than two years. Prior to joining Fingerprint Cards Jörgen has a long background with many positions in the Ericsson group in Sweden and Japan. Amongst others he was Executive VP and CTO for ST-Ericsson. Jörgen serves as member of the board of myFC in Sweden and Zwipe in Norway.

Mr. Hans Andréassonn
Hans Andréasson is a Partner and Corporate Business Lawyer of Mannheimer Swartling, the leading business law firm in the Nordic region. Hans has extensive experience from mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures and outsourcing transactions. Hans is the head of Mannheimer Swartling’s Energy industry group and has been active in the sector since the early 1990s. He has extensive experience in the production, distribution and marketing segments and has represented a variety of industry actors, both public and private, in acquisitions, divestitures, and restructurings, including networks, and has also advised on key regulatory issues. Hans has been retained by the Swedish Bar Association as its expert in relation to ongoing legislative work in the Energy sector, including the recent suggested changes to the separation of the grid companies from other energy-related businesses.